
Neo/Infant Ventilators

By Elizabeth Glasser posted 06-10-2015 09:25



I am looking to purchase a new ventilator for our nursery.  We are a rural hospital and we do not keep bad babies only stabilize and ship.  Can anyone recommend a ventilator?  We do not have piped in medical air in the nursery only 02. 




02-27-2017 22:00

There are several ventilators with internal turbines which do not require piped in air and are capable of ventilating neonates. Hamilton and Drager to name a couple. 

02-07-2017 11:38

Thank you Wendy.  Yes we use air tanks when in nursery etc.   I will look into the Airon pNeuton Mini  thank you for responding.
For neonates, you will have to pipe in air or use air tanks to ventilate. Using 100% with neonates when not indicated will harm more than it will help. The best vents will depend on if you have to use them for NICU, CT, MRI, transport or just stationary in NICU.
If you have to ventilate and transport, but keep costs down, the Airon pNeuton Mini that has interfaces for conventional vent use or transport use. It has a 0 gauss line so it can be used in MRI. It can be used in most modes. If you are looking for a stationary vent, the GE vents are the most comprehensive.
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