
Surprise Surprise # 3 Walking in Each Other Shoes

By William Holland MS CRTT, RRT FAARC posted 05-25-2013 11:57


Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to those who serve our country!


Next week will be week #8 as Peri Op Services Interim Director …one evening last week I was hanging out with RTs we watched “Empathy the Human Connection to Patient Care on You Tube” Wow! Folks you must watch this video! We talked about being on stage is simply a reality so let’s me real, compassionate and alert for “God Moments” I miss my RT team ….they will always be my dream team. 


Someone asked me what was the difference between the ER last year and the OR this year?  I said the ER is the Wild Wild West staff‘s personal security, in a violate environment the OR is less violate but is the United Nations Hardware Store. 12 rooms with every specialty known to mankind with tools, tools, tools! Very expensive tools…

I have never seen a capital budget like the OR. I am so thankful for our Business Manager.   


Creating a procedure for physician Narcotic Medication Reconciliation is our number 1 priority. Glad to have our Pharmacy Director’s help. I hope Med Select machines for each OR rooms get approval in 2014 Capital Budget. I was shocked how casual some physicians are with Narcotic Medication Reconciliation 


The magnitude of the 200 items in 12 months with the Sentara Integration was finally received the attention it deserves. Being the 10th hospital to join Sentara system we term “Standardization” is used to brow beat you into using the same equipment the other 9 are using with little transition time. This is simply not safe. Sentara Hospital #11 is coming on line hopefully the message was heard. Thank you to our CMO Dr Carroll for speaking up ….we know he has our back …and patient’s safety at heart.


We are working on opening a Wound Care Clinic with a mono Hyperbaric Chamber. This is very interesting. I have never been exposed to this, projected opening Sept 1, 2013.  More to follow …..


One of the most important items is OR Block Schedule for Surgeons! We are blessed to have the Czar Dr Gordon. This is the most complex puzzle, especially with the

Six or seven new MDs arriving this summer 


Yesterday I felt like I used strength of mine, developing a FTE Budget spread sheet with YTD Productivity, YTD FTE, Navigant reduction, and staff FTE changes. We will be able to request replacement FTEs and meet 2014 FTE reductions in 2013.

 EBUS Bronch #4 was done this week, it went well. It is great to have the collaboration with Pulmonary and Anesthesia physicians.
