
RC week FOTD for Wednesday, and a contest

By Steven Nelson posted 10-28-2010 00:21

Yes, it's true, I missed an FOTD for Sunday as was pointed out by a pedantic friend.  I'll work on rectifying that.

This is the Wednesday FOTD that I posted earlier on Twitter (@AARC_Nelson)

#RespiratoryCareWeek factoid 3 - We all know Pickwick Syndrome (Dickens). Which Oscar Wilde character has syndrome named for her? And what was it?

The first answer that I like wins SOMETHING!!!!!  It might even be valuable.  Anyone that cuts/pastes from wikipedia is automatically disqualified.  Creativity counts.

BTW, 'pedantic' is not a dirty word. And neither is 'pedagogue'.  The jury is still out on 'demagogue'.  (When will these inane political ads end?)

How did this get turned into a vocabulary lesson?
1 comment



10-28-2010 10:00

Don't you just hate pedantic friends? BTW, looks like you have some more pedants over on our Facebook fan page today or perhaps they are just closet editors. Thanks for the facts.