

By Shawna Strickland posted 01-30-2014 09:41

I started working with the Drive4COPD in 2010 as the Missouri D4C captain. For 3 years, I attended/supported/organized so many Drive4COPD events in Missouri that I could recite the 5 question survey in my sleep. When I joined the AARC, my participation in the D4C was put on hold as I learned my new job and settled into a new area.

Two days ago, I got back in the swing of things. Working with Jason Moury, D4C coordinator, I helped with an event in downtown Dallas at the national Greyhound headquarters. With my colleagues Doug Laher and Steve Nelson and my new RT friend Deirdre Farahani, we screened over 120 people for risk factors for COPD. However, the great part wasn't so much the screening of these was the interaction we were able to initiate. We had several discussions with folks who have loved ones with COPD and who have lost loved ones with COPD. We had tobacco cessation discussions with those who still smoke and are struggling with quitting. We engaged in discussions about the role of the respiratory therapist, what we do, and how we can help the community.

The attendees of this health fair were fantastic. The Greyhound corporation leadership visited with us and told us about their commitment to employee wellness. They even, with Jason's help, sent out a series of emails to their employees leading up to the health fair about COPD, risk factors, the screener, and tips for lung health. Many attendees told us that they learned a great deal about COPD from the emails and decided to visit with our booth to learn more. It was a fantastic day for all of us involved.

This year, the Drive4COPD has ramped up quickly! PepsiCo has engaged the D4C in 15 events already with more on the way. California, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, New Jersey, Arizona...chances are, there's an event not far from you already planned!

If you're interested in helping out with an existing Drive4COPD or planning your own, send Jason Moury (moury@aarc.og) a message. I guarantee you'll walk away from the event with an entirely new perspective.

The pictures below are from events in Texas and Washington DC (respectively).

1 comment



02-08-2014 15:03

I hope to see more of our colleagues involved with this community service. Thanks for posting, Shawna, and I encourage you to post this blog on other AARC & non-AARC social media sites as we continue our mission for community health awareness as a Respiratory Care professional.