
Common practice of RT with ventilator patient in CT

By Sandra Petter posted 06-20-2011 14:06

Currently our RTs transport all patients to the CT procedure, stay with the patient during the scan, but monitor the patient from the control room.  It has been asked what is done at other facilities.  Do any of you mandate the RT to remain in the actual CT room during the study and why?  Has it made any difference in reaction time to the patient if needed? 
We feel it is safer for the RT to check the ventilator, place the screen where it can be viewed from the CT control room and not remain in the CT scanner area.  It seems too much radiation exposure to staff with repeated scans and transports. 

Any input would be appreciated. 



07-12-2011 18:58

Aloha Sandy: We don't stay in the scanner room. We observe, as you do, the monitor screen and all applicable visual alarms & respond when its neccesary. aloha, James "kimo" Calhoun.

06-29-2011 14:19

Sandra, we do the same as well, but if the patient is going to be on the table for an extended period of time (needle guided biopsy, etc), we can pass the patient off to the RN if she is going to be in the procedure. We are with the patients most of the time though, and our CT scanner is directly below our ICU so if we do leave the patient, we are only 2 minutes away.

06-20-2011 15:49

We typically do as you do; stay in the control room. Our scan rooms have microphones so if the vent alarms, we can hear it, as well as see the screen. Our typical CT scan is very quick- it usually takes longer to move the patient into the scanner than it does to actually perform the scan.