
Hospital Margins- Are we engaged?

By Michael Nibert posted 05-19-2010 23:25

Hello AARC friends,
  I would venture to say that most of us feel like we excel as clinicians or getting there as students or new grads. Is there anything else we need to do to be well rounded as an employeed credentialed Respiratory Therapist? What about the financial aspect of our practice? Do we utilize supplies well and not be wasteful? Do we charge for what we do? Do we leave oxygen flowmeters running when not required?---and the list goes on.
   So here is a dual question: How do you as a Respiratory Therapist impact the financial margins of your employeer? Do you know what the budget is for your employers margins?
   It is much like voting as everyone counts. Labor is the biggest target in operations. Do you clock in and out on time unless justified? Do you know what your productivity labor standard is for your department? Do you know what is billable for the services you provide? Tracking non-billable services is a great productivity tool but you can ultimately not bill. Are you growing your out-patient services for better reimbursement? Supply management is the second biggest target. Do you know what supplies are used by your department monthly? Questions being asked about over utilization? Looking at conversion of products to reduce costs and maintain exceptional clinical services?
  So the next time you have your hours reduced or your merit increase was reduced or not at all, ask yourself-Did I play a part in this decision? I firmly believe the financial impact as a Respiratory Therapist should be on every performance evaluation. Let the replies begin--------
