
August "Online AARC Times" Is Ready for Viewing

By Marsha Cathcart posted 07-27-2011 15:01


The August issue of AARC Times is posted online at and ready for you to view at your leisure.

This issue features the inspirational story of a respiratory patient who decided to become a respiratory therapist. In our cover story, she talks about quality of life, a common thread in the Sleep Waves and Ventilation for Life, and Chronic Disease Manager columns in this issue of the magazine.

The 2012 AARC Election is just around the corner, so one of the articles in this issue introduces you to the candidates. You can read a detailed bio of each candidate online at Active Association members will be able to vote on the AARC's online secure website beginning September 2.

1 comment



07-28-2011 21:46

When I place my cursor over the link, it will not allow access. Guess I will need to copy and paste. Thank you.