
Asthma Educatory

By Kristin Decker posted 08-30-2012 03:07

I have recently decided to make a go at the Asthma Educator credential to better complete my education. Does anyone have any pointers in relation to study materials? I know that there is a Kettering available. I already have the Asthma Educator's Handbook, and use it as my bible. However I know some of the information may be outdated due to the past publication date. I would appreciate any feedback I can get. Thanks..



09-01-2012 13:01

Hi Kristin,
As Shawna stated, the AARC online course is very good and thorough and I definitely recommend it. Also as a reference during studying I think it is a good idea to review the 2007 Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR3) which are the guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. There is a summary report that is about 60 -70 pages, the full report is much larger. The summary report is a good reference to help learn the asthma severity scale, the stepwise approach, as well as other things. It is available on-line form the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute in PDF form or you can send off for a printed copy. Here is the link:
Hope this helps,

08-30-2012 12:33

Hi Kristin
Several years ago, I took the AARC's 3-day AE-C prep course and it was outstanding. It is now online (look in the education section of the AARC website) and they provide a resource library with the video-based independent study program. I will need to re-take my AE-C next year for re certification (every 7 years) and plan on retaking this online prep course to get myself ready. I highly recommend it.
Shawna Strickland