
Keynote Address

By Georgianna Sergakis posted 12-06-2010 15:13

Greetings from sunny Vegas!  To those of you also from the east coast - the skies have been gray for weeks now, so the blue sky and warmth of the sun are a welcomed treat! In Ohio - we won't have such scenery until May.  I just heard the keynote speaker, Dr. Carolyn Clancy-Director of the USDHHS AHRQ,  at the meeting and was impressed with the interesting analogies that she shared. 
She spoke of how the US leads the world in biomedical science, yet trails in support for the application of our discovery.  Her comparison of the process to 6-year olds playing soccer really spoke to me. Not only because of my young children left at home in gray, cold Ohio, but because I think we have all experienced this "game." 
How often do we engage in planning when somewhere in the process become unsure of where to find the goals?  She spoke of how the 6 year olds are often where the ball is now, instead of anticipating where it will be in the future.  However, the 6 yr olds learn quickly from the experience, which is the important point -isn't it?  
Another lesson that Dr. Clancy shared was that patients must believe that what they are doing will make a difference.  I believe we can all take that lesson to heart.  Whether it is a student in class, staff member following a new policy, or patient compliance with the negotiated treatment only works if we believe.    I believe it is a great time to be a part of the AARC and the Respiratory Care profession, we should anticipate the ball and remember the goals.  What do you believe?
