
"Year in Review-Management": Your recommendations, please

By Garry Kauffman posted 08-29-2011 23:31

I am pleased to be asked to present the 'Year in Review-Management' at this year's Congress in Tampa.  I've been collecting articles since the snow melted here in the wilds of PA, but would really like to hear from you.
Specifically, what are the hot topics in health care this year.  Secondly, what articles can you suggest that address the topics you're hearing the most about.
You can post them in response to this blog or email me directly at


1 comment



09-05-2011 02:10

Out here in Northern California the economic affect on healthcare personnel has been telling. Old, tired, and fed-up RT's (and RN's) who planned to retire, "un-retired" before they even retired. In a positive way this keeps competence in the field; yet in a negative way, "new blood" (new, well-trained graduates focused on patient-centered care) are unable to enter the field. Also, even as RT departments exceed performance measures, healthcare organizations still cut staff. Doing more with less is the new expectation.