
AARC 2011 Summer Forum: Follow up from mgmt session

By Garry Kauffman posted 07-27-2011 22:30


I wanted to remind everyone that I'm in the process of collating and typing all of your thoughts from the session I lead in the 'View from the C-Suite'.  I plan to finish this over the coming weekend and I'll provide the feedback on 6 areas to Doug Laher and our Management Section Chair, Bill Cohagen.  This information will be provided to all Summer Forum attendees for your use.

For those who didn't attend this session, I divided the 97 participants in my opening session to comment on the following:
1.  What has the AARC done to support you and your department
2.  What could the AARC do in the future to support you
3.  What has the AARC Mgmt Section done to support you and your department
4.  What could the AARC Mgmt Section do to support you in the future
5.  What are you doing in your department that would be valuable to share with others
6.  What help do you need to succeed as a manager and leader.

Stay tuned....

Garry Kauffman, RRT, FAARC
