
Demonstrating Your Value as Respiratory Therapists: And it's only Monday!

By Garry Kauffman posted 12-06-2010 18:57

I had the pleasure of moderating two presentations this afternoon by Doug Laher, RRT and Dr. Naresh Dewan.  In the short span of 1 hour, I got more information that I could process on the evidence that clearly demonstrates the financial savings that hospitals can achieve by utilizing RTs in the discharge process, post-discharge phone calls, and home visits.  If you didn't catch these presentations, you can purchase the recording of each via the AARC.  I don't know what the AARC charges for each one, but it's more than worth the price of admission if you can show your boss that you can save your hospital many times over the cost of an RT.

Garry Kauffman
