
AARC Congress 2013... Will it change your career?

By Douglas Laher posted 10-16-2013 13:40

Often times I'm asked about my career path by younger RTs looking to make their mark in the profession. And when I answer that question, I always come back to one defining moment in my career.

Several years ago (I'll keep that number confidential to maintain the integrity of my youthful exterior... or so I've been told) I was working at a large academic center trying to better understand the career path that lie in front of me. I was frustrated, lacked a good mentor and wasn't clear on whether or not respiratory therapy was the right career for me. A promotional opportunity had just passed me by and I hadn't yet learned how to be a "professional" respiratory therapist.

Long story short, our department had a surplus of educational dollars, and I was approached by our department manager if I was interested in attending AARC Congress. I was eligible for a $500 stipend, but the rest of the expenses would fall on me.  I was intrigued and had never been to an actual "convention" before, but figured "what the heck", so I found a colleague who was also interested in going, found a hotel room we could share and the rest as they say is history.

My first memories I have of that trip to AARC Congress was the Opening Ceremony. There was something magical about being not only in the same city with, but in the same room with several thousand respiratory therapists...all there for the same reason - to celebrate the arts and science of the profession. But it was so much more than that. The energy in the room was electric...never had I felt that alive and proud to be an RT. Talk about a battery re-charge. I was ready to tackle the world, and I had only been there one hour.

And it just kept getting better from there. I thought I was a pretty god therapist, but I was quickly humbled by the amount of knowledge I was surrounded with. How often can you hear lectures from Neil MacIntyre, Dean Hess, Bob Kaczmerik, Rich Branson and others...all under the same roof? Intimidated and feeling a bit shy, I was afraid to approach these "worldly experts" with questions, and kicked myself every time I failed to utter a word  when I would pass them in the convention center or hotel lobby. Looking back, I chuckle at myself, because these "experts" are no different than you and me and are more than willing to spend a few minutes to chat...even if you're a complete stranger. They're more than willing to share their knowledge. Fortunately, I'm proud today to call these people friends and colleagues.

I haven't even touched on some of the fun stuff like the Welcome Party or the Sputum Bowl Finals, but I'm sure you can connect the dots. The bottom line... my first AARC Congress completely reshaped my career. I returned to work with a new skip in my step and embraced the fact that I was a respiratory therapist...and damn proud of it. Looking back, I'm a bit ashamed to admit that it took an external force like AARC Congress to change my career path, but in hindsight, I wouldn't change a thing.

What is your favorite AARC Congress memory? I'm anxious to hear your responses.

And if that's not enough to wet your appetite, I encourage you to watch the attached video. It summarizes the "Congress" experience quite nicely.

