
Keynote Address AARC Congress 2012

By Douglas Laher posted 09-05-2012 22:42

Are you still toying with the idea of attending AARC Congress 2012? Still waiting on that one compelling reason to pre-register today? Or, are you simply intrigued at the thought of attending YOUR professional convention? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, I would encourage you to take a moment and review the online advance program. But don't stop there. In the event you haven't noticed, the AARC just announced the keynote speaker for AARC Congress 2012.

John Nance; broadcast journalist, aviator and patient safety expert will share his reflections, commentary and justification as to why hospitals should adopt safety standards employed in the aviation industry to enhance the quality and to ensure the safety of every patient.

AARC Congress 2012 is full of programming aimed at quality and safety. On Nov. 9, 2012, there will be a day long pre-course committed to the topic, and on Sun. Nov. 11th, a physician from the CDC will present on new government definitions for ventilator associated pneumonia. And much, much, more.

In today's economic climate where pockets are shallower and wallets are lighter, more and more Congress attendees are not only finding value in attendance, but paying expenses out of their own pocket. Conventional wisdom may ask "how can I afford to attend?", but with rapid-fire changes occurring as a result of the Affordable Care Act and reimbursement penalties imposed on hospitals unable to deliver high quality, safe patient care, many executives, managers, and department directors would beg the question... "how can you not afford to attend AARC Congress 2012?"

We hope to see you in the Big Easy. While you're there, be sure to pop in and see Captain Nance deliver the keynote address, "Why Hospitals Should Fly".

