
Dec. 14 Deadline Rapidly Approaching

By Douglas Laher posted 11-29-2011 13:24


Fresh off the heels of an incredibly successful AARC Congress in Tampa, FL, the 2012 AARC Program Committee is already planning for next year's meeting in New Orleans. The AARC Congress is created by respiratory therapists, for respiratory therapists, and this year's Program Committee needs your help in providing content, proposals, ideas, and speakers for the 2012 meeting.

Please take a moment to visit Easy Street via the AARC website and submit your proposals for next year. Anyone (including AARC non-members) may submit. The deadline for submissions is Dec. 14, 2011.

Have a topic in mind, but not certain who that "ideal" speaker may be? Not a problem... the program committee can help.

Want to submit a proposal on behalf of another lecturer? You can do that... just make sure to secure their willingness to present.

Are you a first time lecturer who's never presented at an AARC Congress? FANTASTIC... in 2011 the Program Committee invited more than 25 first-time lecturers to present!

The AARC Board of Directors has charged the Program Committee to develop an educational program that is representative of all AARC Specialty Sections, and Roundtables which topics are current, relevant and timely. To do this, input is needed from EVERYONE!

If you are uncertain as to how to submit a proposal, please feel free to contact the AARC Executive Office, or contact the chair of your specialty section. Help is available.

In 2011, almost 800 unique individual presentations were submitted for consideration. Let's shoot for 1,000 in 2012!

Warmest regards,

Doug Laher, RRT, MBA
Associate Executive Director; AARC
