
Oh beautiful Spring, how you tease us!

By Asha Desai posted 02-18-2010 17:51

Okay, for those of you not in North Texas, today we are experiencing a sampling of Spring. It's 60+ degrees and sunny. No jackets required!!! It was so wonderful to get out for lunch that I've been giddy all afternoon.

It's amazing how a good weather day after weeks of yuck can lighten your mood. Our weather wasn't bad at all, especially not compared to the north, just cold with some snow. But I'm ready for winter to be over.

And this is where the teasing comes in. Tommorow it' supposed to be in the 50s with some rain - I'm hoping it's the high 50s, so we're still feeling Springy. But next week, we're expecting cold weather again. Hopefully, we'll have more days of Spring than winter.

If you're having a good weather day (whatever that is for you), I hope you have a chance to spend a few minutes outside enjoying it. If you're not, hang on! The good weather is coming soon, it's just got to. :)
1 comment



03-03-2010 17:58

I take it you got over being giddy on Monday when it was 40 and rainy.