
Could we have an AARConnect in spanish for RTs in Latin America?

By Ariel Garnero posted 01-03-2011 13:43

Thanks to the AARC efforts the Respiratory Care field has been exponentially growing in other countries. Not only new Respiratory Programs has been developed but many others has been improved and developed new strategies and competencies.
The Respiratory Care American System is now taken as an example to copy and apply in many places overseas.
The NBRC has worked with many countries in Latin America and developed a system for
for evaluating and certifying the work competency of respiratory care professionals in the participating countries, thereby enabling the growth of respiratory therapy and enhancing the quality of patient care.
The Latin American Board for Professional Certification in Respiratory Therapy has been created and now many professionals and new grads get credentialed by them upon approval of the certification exam.
Many of them are able to communicate in english but the majority is not and it would be very useful if we can create an AARConnect (AARConexion in spanish) in order to promote their integration.
Doing so we can give them the means to exchange information, promote education and also interact with spanish speaking RTs working in the U.S.
Also it could be useful for incresing the number of AARC members in Latin America.
What do you think? Could it be useful?



01-12-2011 16:02

After thinking about this idea of the AARConnestion in spanish, I realized that you have to be an AARC member in order to get into the AARConnect site. As of today the number of AARC members in Latin America (including Puerto Rico) is quite a few.
I strongly believe that the economic situation in Latin America makes it really hard for RTs to afford the membership.So how can we get more members from Latin America?
Well maybe the AARC can work on developing a plan or strategy for Latin America adjusting the membership price to their economic situation (like a promotion) in order to catch more members.
If the goal is to get to more RTs and give them the means to get together and discuss diferent topics maybe we can create an AARConnection in spanish (AARConexion) open to everybody without being an AARC member.
I got this ideas based on how useful is the AARConnection to us and maybe could be a great tool to gather the RTs from all over Latin America under an official AARC website and doing so create a stronger and closer community.
I wish every RT in Latin America had and AARC membership. I believe we need to work on developing new strategies that could make the AARC get more memberships from Latin America.
Maybe I am a dreamer, but I believe we can reach a lot of RTs, promote education and improve patient care.

01-06-2011 18:48

Martha, Good to see that you are fan of Barça, I'm from Barcelona. Saludos desde Barcelona, Calaluña España

01-05-2011 03:41

I feel is a great idea because as Respiratory Therapist we should unite efforts for prioritizing lung health in society!! and having an AARConnect in Spanish for Respiratory Therapist in Latin America would be a great way to achieve it!! at the same time we will be able to promote health and education..

01-04-2011 20:11

This is a fabulous idea!! There are a lot of people practicing Respiratory Care whose first language is not English. It can increase an individual's involvement and pull more people into the AARC. Our first priority is excellent patient care and safety---no matter what the language may be.
Also, it will give those of us who speak Spanish a chance to interact with our colleagues around the world. Realmente, una idea maravillosa! Gracias.

01-04-2011 11:56

Excellent idea! Excelente idea!